Use Style Numbers in Your Gruen Watch's Case to Date Your Watch
NEW Online Style Number Date Calculator!
Date your Gruen using Style Numbers, described in the article below.
Enter your Style Number in the box below to find your watch's date and additional Style Number information. You are encouraged to read the article for important information about using Style Numbers.

(1) If your case has 2 numbers, verify that your watch's movement caliber matches one from the list of calibers the tool provides.
(2) In some cases, the Caliber and Style Numbers are reversed.
Windows Application - Style Number To Date Version 4.0
Download Ver 4.0 of the free Windows program that provides date and other information given a Style Number.
This version extends the Style Number dates back to 1925! The online version (above) also provides dates for Style Numbers as far back as 1925.
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Find Year From Style Number Show Calibers Ver Size : 420.651 Kb Type : zip |
Aug 2014 - ANNEX 1 Added to paper
This update was written to help distinguish Case Serial Numbers from Style Numbers, plus more explanation on anomalies that may be causing you trouble in finding your watch's date.
Feb 2016 - New Style Number / Date Table
The Style Number Dating Table has been extended back as far as it will go, which seems to be 1925. Last year this table was incorporated into the Online Style Number Tool and the Windows software version 4.0, but the table itself wasn't published. So, here it is, the latest and greatest table:
This table replaces the "Figure 2" in the article.
Num Date
0 1925
11 1925
55 1926
61 1927
77 1928
79 1929
86 1930
107 1931
123 1932
139 1933
151 1934
182 1935
220 1936
255 1937
304 1938
372 1939
390 1940
449 1941
495 1942
506 1943
512 1944
541 1945
544 1946
553 1947
583 1948
625 1949
641 1950
742 1951
752 1952
832 1953
863 1954
883 1955
933 1956
1015 1957
Helpful resources
Download the Style Number Dating paper in PDF format and the free Windows program that tells you the date given a Style Number. Details of the software located at the bottom of the page.
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Revolutionary New Gruen Dating Technique.pdf Size : 1242.614 Kb Type : pdf |
Download the Annex 1 to the Style Number Dating paper in PDF format. This Annex will help you further decode the information stamped in your watch's case, such as case serial numbers, and teach you how to deal with some anomolies that may be tripping you up.
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Annex 1 to the Style Number Dating Technique Paper.pdf Size : 826.534 Kb Type : pdf |
Now is a fantastic time to begin collecting Gruen watches. In the past 5 years the number of tools to help us learn about these awesome watches has jumped from a single page Caliber-Date table to at least 3 new, significant dating tools. It's important to understand the difference between the dates that these tools provide. You want to match the date with the correct use of that date. Here are the 3 different dates that can be found on a Gruen watch.

How About a Date?
Breakthrough Research Smooths Rough Road for Gruen Wristwatch Collectors
By Mike Barnett and Barry Cooper
If you've collected Gruen watches for any length of time, you know how difficult it is determine -- at least with any degree of accuracy -- just when a specific model of Gruen was made.
There is precious little information "out there," unlike many other popular brands such Hamilton, Rolex, Omega, Elgin and others. These and other brands have volumes of material and definitive movement serial number listings that allow for precise dating down to the year, and in some instances even the MONTH, in which a given specimen was manufactured.
Not so for Gruen, being the "orphan child" without a birth certificate because of a rather complicated method of serializing their movements, the records for which have been long lost, and most likely destroyed.
Curiously, the process for dating the earliest Gruen wristwatches -- from about 1915 to 1935 or so -- is probably the easiest because of the limited number of movements that Gruen had available, and the resulting relatively small number of specific models. The wonderful Gruen Guild Book that the company put out between 1929 and about 1931 (and widely available online) is arguably close to a "Masterbook" of Gruen watches, particularly wristwatches made up to that time period.
But from about the mid 1930s to 1958 (when Gruen ceased production of watches at their factory in Cincinnati), the number of movement calibers exploded, and the serializing of those movements took on byzantine characteristics that make Egyptian hieroglyphic look like a Kindergarten reading primer by comparison.
For most collectors, this is frustrating. But, ironically for some, it is a great source of fun and fascination, as the process of dating a given specimen often involves piecing nuggets of information together from far-flung resources. The chance to play the starring role in your own mini version of CSI (a popular crime show on the CBS Television Network in case you've been living in a cave for about the last decade or so) is irresistible to some.
Yes, there are bits of information scattered here and there. Certainly, the movement dating chart developed by Gruen collector Charlie Cleves, of Bellevue, Ky., almost 30 years ago was a good start, and pointed many collectors in the general vicinity as far as dating a given specimen. Beginning in the mid 1990s, with the advent of eBay and other online venues, collectors have been able to piece together additional dating information through the posting of individual vintage advertisements. All of which has resulted in a greater refinement of the original "Cleves Chart." (And that effort continues.)
The past two or three years have yielded more tools for collectors to work with, but the results of all these efforts have proven painstaking and piecemeal at best, as information and clues are scattered among a variety of paper publications and online resources, the latter of which must surely put the number of sources into the dozens if you count discussion websites.
There is still is no single comprehensive source for dating Gruen watches, especially those produced after the mid 1930s.
That is, until now.
By studying literally thousands of Gruen watches, and developing techniques for dating and identifying model names (and recording every detail about each watch) we believe we have reached a significant breakthrough that will help Gruen wristwatch collectors more definitively pinpoint the age of a given specimen.
In ongoing research into Gruen watch dating techniques, Gruen researchers log everything stamped onto the watch, inside of the case, and look for a match in vintage advertising. This is the standard labor involved in collecting the basics. It is from raw data such as this that patterns begun to emerge if you collect enough of it. One of the items to record is the pair of numbers stamped into the back of most Gruen watches, the Caliber and Style Number. While studying this data, a pattern emerged. The Style Numbers consistently increased over time. It’s a simple observation, but an important one.
This article, and our identification tables and charts below, are the result of months of research and testing. We used several methods to date and validate the date of Gruen watches – this article will focus on using the Style Number, a term Gruen coined in the 1947 Gruen Crystal Catalog. It must be stressed that the dates we derived using Style Numbers are approximations, providing the earliest date a watch model was made. It is not meant to date the specific year a watch was manufactured.
As most Gruen collectors know, there is typically a pair of three-digit numbers stamped on the inside back of their watch case, usually in the format or CCC-SSS or SSS/CCC. The majority of Gruen wristwatches have the caliber and then the Style Number (CCC-SSS). Figure 1 is from the 1947 Gruen Crystal Catalog and defines Style Numbers.
Care must be taken that the case serial number is not accidently used to determine the Style Number. Check and recheck that you are seeing two distinct numbers separated by a space a dash or a slash. (examples of cases coming soon....) You will know when you have 2 numbers versus a serial number that "looks like it may be them".
Some cases do not contain a Caliber & Style Number pair. Older models and some round-shaped models may have only a single three-digit number. Swiss and solid gold cases sometimes do not have the numerical pair as well. These watches are not valid candidates for using the Style Number dating method detailed here. Make sure you do not confuse the case Serial number with the Caliber and Style Number.
Looking closer at the numbers, one of these numbers is the caliber of the movement for that specific watch. By matching the caliber number stamped on the movement with that stamped on the case, collectors can verify that the correct movement is in the watch. If you don’t feel comfortable removing the back of your watch to read the Style Number, take it to a skilled watchmaker.
We limited our work to wristwatches created from 1935 to 1956. The result of the research produced the Style Number Dating Table (Figure 2) which was created by identifying as many watches for each year. The data from the Style Date Table is shown graphically in Figure 3. Perhaps not evident in the table, the graph visually shows which years Gruen made more watch models, or assigned more Style Numbers, than others.
To create the Style Number Dating Table, the goal was to find at least three watches introduced per year. The primary method of identifying a watch's initial date of production or availability was through the use of magazine advertisements. If a watch matched the advertisement illustration, that watch's Style Number was associated with the year of the advertisement. This technique of identifying watch model names and date of initial availability was also utilized to create the "Gruen Watch Model Identification Guide - Volume 1" written by Mike Barnett. (Watch for Volume 2, to be published later this year.)
After several watches were found in a given year, and its surrounding years, a range of Style Numbers could be approximated for that year. These were the data points used to create the table. The Style Number column indicates the lowest Style Number of a watch introduced in the associated year.
First Style Number of Year | Year of Introduction |
183 | 1935 |
220 | 1936 |
255 | 1937 |
304 | 1938 |
372 | 1939 |
390 | 1940 |
449 | 1941 |
495 | 1942 |
506 | 1943 |
512 | 1944 |
541 | 1945 |
544 | 1946 |
553 | 1947 |
583 | 1948 |
625 | 1949 |
641 | 1950 |
742 | 1951 |
752 | 1952 |
832 | 1953 |
863 | 1954 |
883 | 1955 |
933 | 1956 |
1,015 | 1957 |
Figure 2 - The Style Date Table
We cross-checked our dates utilizing all watch dating methods available to us. The cross-checking was limited to a subset of watches for which the additional methods were valid. One such method was provided by Gruen historian Jack Wood, an active Gruen Forum member, contributor, and Gruen researcher. His dating method, currently "in press", is based on the serial numbers of cases manufactured by the Wadsworth Case Company. He found that for wristwatches that used Wadsworth manufactured cases, the date a specific watch was manufactured is tied directly to the serial number of its case. Another verification method utilizes the movement's serial number. This too is a relatively new technique, and is limited to the 405, 410 and 420 caliber families. A full description of dating via movement serial numbers can be found on the website Both of these techniques, using Wadsworth case serial numbers and movement serial numbers, pinpoint a watch to its specific date of manufacture, but are also approximations.
For years in which no watches could be identified, we relied on watch crystal catalogs. These catalogs show the highest Style Number in use for the year the catalog was published. Seventeen crystal catalogs were utilized in this project including those from the GS, Rocket, and Perfit companies.
Figure 3- Style Number/Date Chart
There are anomalies to the Style Number dating method! The Gruen Company was not always consistent in its assignment and use of new Style Numbers, particularly in the years around World War II. We identified several anomalies but undoubtedly there are others that savvy Gruen collectors will find and share with the community.
We found some Style Numbers were paired with different movement calibers, but the watch model remained the same. We called this a model "movement migration". Over time Gruen changed the movements in a watch model. They maintained the correct labeling in the case by changing the caliber number while leaving the Style Number the same. The 1951 "Submarine" model shown in figures 4 and 5 is a good example of this migration from one movement to another. Some Submarine models have the identification 421-725 indicating a caliber 421 movement is utilized while others marked with 426-725 indicate a caliber 426 .
Figure 4 - Gruen "Submarine" model
Figure 5 - Submarine watch model "migration" shown in the case back
To help determine when Style Numbers were reused or when a watch model show evidence of “movement migration”, we developed a Style Caliber Table shown in Figure 6 by capturing data from many crystal catalog. The first column lists each Style; the numbers to the right are the movement calibers that are used for that Style. Again, looking at the Submarine model we see that it has a Style Number of 725. In the Style Caliber Table, calibers 421 and 426 are shown to the right of Style 725.
The Style Number re-use anomaly can be at least recognized by using the Style Caliber Table. If a watch's Style Number indicate a date that is prior to the date the movement itself was introduced, then clearly that style number has been used previously. Take for example the Style Number 498. Figure 6 shows six different calibers of movements that used that number. One such movement is the caliber 335 that began production in 1948. The Style Number of 498 indicates the year of introduction for the watch was 1942, but this clearly cannot be the case for watches with caliber 335 movements. When in doubt, check the Style Caliber Table to ensure a Style Number re-use hasn't occurred.
In approximately 1956 the Style Numbers broke the 999 barrier. While we show 1,015 as the end Style Number for the year 1956, the Style Numbers stamped in the cases will not be a 4-digit number. Much like a 3-digit odometer, the number rolls over and started over again as a 3 digit number padded with zeros on the front end. For example, the Style Number we reference as 1,002 will have a case that is stamped with a Style Number of 002. That particular watch is stamped with 422-002, or 002-422
The Style Caliber Table proved to be a distraction while we were doing our research because there is such a wealth of data that can be mined from it. For example, the lifespan of a movement can be approximated by finding the lowest and highest Style Numbers associated with that movement caliber. To do this the caliber to investigate is chosen, its lowest and highest Style Numbers are found in the Style Caliber table and these Style Numbers are then looked up in the Style Date table to determine the dates of the lowest and highest Styles. You'll find that it is the lady's movements that have the longest lifespan as well as having more Style Numbers than the men's watches.
We hope that our contribution will help Gruen collectors learn more about their watches and perhaps motivate them to help piece together other missing parts in the Gruen puzzle. Our work provides the date of initial production which is the first step in solving the many mysteries that await those that are curious enough to seek more information. Be careful though, that curiosity found in some Gruen collectors turn collectors into obsessed researchers.
Credit is given to the early Gruen pioneers Roy Ehrhardt, Charles Cleves, and more recently, Bruce Shawkey. Mr. Cleves’ work was a springboard from which we could research, providing initial manufacturing dates of Gruen movements. A special thank you is owed to Bruce Shawkey for his riveting introduction outlining the history of Gruen research and encouragement. And to Jack Wood, a hard-working Gruen researcher and historian that has consistently given much to the Gruen community. We were able to use his recent work to help validate our findings. And the ever-growing Forum members for providing motivation and sharing their passion and watches with the Gruen community.
Figure 6 - Style Number and the Calibers That Use It
Style Number |
Calibers That Use The
Style Number |
183 |
311 |
184 |
685 |
185 |
165 |
186 |
353 |
190 |
325 |
191 |
465 |
192 |
325 |
193 |
465 |
194 |
700 |
196 |
165 |
197 |
355 |
199 |
700 |
201 |
676 |
202 |
311 |
205 |
455 |
207 |
355 |
210 |
907 |
213 |
455 |
214 |
675 |
215 |
455 |
216 |
455 |
217 |
485 |
218 |
467 |
220 |
165 |
167 |
221 |
167 |
222 |
165 |
223 |
165 |
224 |
485 |
225 |
325 |
226 |
325 |
227 |
325 |
355 |
500 |
228 |
311 |
330 |
229 |
915 |
917 |
230 |
915 |
231 |
465 |
232 |
465 |
233 |
465 |
234 |
917 |
235 |
917 |
238 |
300 |
239 |
300 |
240 |
355 |
241 |
355 |
242 |
307 |
243 |
300 |
244 |
485 |
246 |
485 |
501 |
247 |
123 |
325 |
248 |
580 |
250 |
917 |
251 |
531 |
252 |
531 |
253 |
531 |
254 |
501 |
255 |
311 |
257 |
501 |
258 |
501 |
259 |
280 |
260 |
311 |
261 |
280 |
262 |
290 |
263 |
465 |
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465 |
265 |
465 |
266 |
165 |
501 |
267 |
487 |
268 |
697 |
698 |
269 |
280 |
270 |
280 |
271 |
311 |
330 |
272 |
350 |
520 |
273 |
311 |
400C |
274 |
270 |
275 |
115 |
215 |
216 |
270 |
215SS |
270SS |
276 |
270 |
278 |
206 |
217 |
501 |
279 |
280 |
280 |
330 |
281 |
300 |
282 |
300 |
283 |
581 |
704 |
704SS |
284 |
270 |
285 |
270 |
286 |
270 |
287 |
330 |
288 |
330 |
289 |
400 |
290 |
500 |
877 |
500DD |
291 |
520 |
292 |
330 |
293 |
330 |
294 |
300 |
295 |
330 |
296 |
275 |
500 |
501 |
500C |
297 |
300 |
298 |
400 |
299 |
400 |
542 |
300 |
416 |
303 |
271 |
304 |
330 |
305 |
400 |
308 |
330 |
309 |
580 |
581 |
310 |
270 |
320 |
270 |
321 |
270 |
322 |
270 |
323 |
700 |
704 |
324 |
500 |
501 |
500C |
326 |
270 |
334 |
330 |
335 |
280 |
336 |
700 |
337 |
700 |
338 |
270 |
339 |
330 |
340 |
355 |
500 |
355C |
350 |
270 |
351 |
401 |
501 |
501C |
352 |
401 |
353 |
350 |
354 |
520 |
355 |
520 |
356 |
330 |
355 |
355C |
357 |
215 |
270 |
358 |
704 |
359 |
168 |
360 |
582 |
361 |
270 |
362 |
300 |
363 |
280 |
364 |
400 |
400C |
365 |
406 |
366 |
406 |
406SS |
367 |
167 |
368 |
280 |
369 |
355 |
355C |
370 |
355 |
355C |
401C |
371 |
917 |
372 |
401 |
410 |
581 |
582 |
704 |
373 |
406 |
374 |
405 |
375 |
300 |
376 |
355 |
355C |
377 |
405 |
378 |
210 |
379 |
400 |
400C |
380 |
210 |
211 |
210SS |
381 |
410 |
410C |
382 |
210 |
383 |
410 |
410C |
384 |
210 |
211 |
216 |
385 |
211 |
211SS |
386 |
210 |
211 |
430 |
210SS |
387 |
211 |
405 |
406 |
426 |
388 |
405 |
389 |
411 |
411C |
390 |
411 |
411C |
391 |
406 |
392 |
405 |
393 |
330 |
394 |
406 |
406SS |
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405 |
405SS |
396 |
405 |
397 |
211 |
398 |
210 |
399 |
211 |
402 |
405 |
403 |
406 |
404 |
411 |
411C |
408 |
410 |
410C |
409 |
168 |
500 |
501 |
411 |
211 |
413 |
405 |
414 |
406 |
415 |
300 |
531 |
416 |
531 |
417 |
330 |
430 |
418 |
270 |
419 |
400 |
401 |
420 |
401 |
401C |
421 |
211 |
422 |
210 |
211 |
423 |
210 |
424 |
300 |
425 |
210 |
426 |
210 |
427 |
210 |
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428 |
211 |
429 |
290 |
430 |
290 |
431 |
290 |
432 |
290 |
433 |
290 |
411 |
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290 |
435 |
290 |
436 |
290 |
437 |
290 |
438 |
290 |
439 |
290 |
440 |
430 |
441 |
211 |
442 |
411 |
411C |
443 |
411 |
411C |
444 |
212 |
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211 |
446 |
405 |
447 |
405 |
406 |
448 |
440 |
449 |
440 |
450 |
440 |
451 |
405 |
405SS |
452 |
350 |
453 |
211 |
454 |
430 |
455 |
430 |
456 |
430 |
457 |
430 |
458 |
405 |
459 |
406 |
460 |
406 |
406SS |
461 |
430 |
462 |
210 |
211 |
463 |
210 |
464 |
405 |
465 |
230 |
405 |
420 |
425 |
466 |
210 |
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215 |
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266 |
211SS |
216SS |
467 |
431 |
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435 |
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405 |
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405 |
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435 |
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330 |
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330 |
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291 |
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425 |
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411C |
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401C |
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405 |
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430 |
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435 |
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350 |
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500 |
500C |
494 |
410 |
410SS |
495 |
405 |
496 |
410 |
410SS |
497 |
411 |
411SS |
498 |
335 |
422 |
430 |
435 |
440 |
3351 |
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440 |
500 |
501 |
501 |
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210 |
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405 |
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469 |
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405 |
425 |
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210SS |
211SS |
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400C |
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420 |
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421 |
530 |
335 |
430 |
435 |
3351 |
531 |
210 |
210SS |
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533 |
210 |
211 |
215 |
210SS |
211SS |
534 |
420 |
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420SS |
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420 |
420SS |
537 |
275 |
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335 |
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216 |
210SS |
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425SS |
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420SS |
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335 |
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3351 |
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210SS |
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385 |
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566 |
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569 |
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2751 |
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Copyright Mike Barnett & Barry Cooper 2012
Next Step - find the name of your watch
If this Style Number dating method has worked correctly for you and believe you have the right date for your watch, and you now want to find the MODEL NAME, you can find information on this site on how to do that too! Head over to the page ID Your Gruen! and you can read details on the steps you can take to figure out the model name.
Check out ways you can use this and other tools effectively.
You can download the version above document in PDF format along with the Annex 1 that is only in PDF format
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Revolutionary New Gruen Dating Technique.pdf Size : 1242.614 Kb Type : pdf |
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Annex 1 to the Style Number Dating Technique Paper.pdf Size : 826.534 Kb Type : pdf |
This article has been published in both of the largest watchmaking and watch collecting journals, the AWCI and the NAWCC. BOTH of these organizations deserve as much support as they can get. Please consider joining.
This article appeared in the March 2013 issue of the NAWCC Bulletin and in the May 2012 issue of the AWCI's Horological Times . You can download it in PDF format below.
They chose to make this article available, for free, to the public (non-members). Normally you must be a member to view the electronic versions of the magazine. This link takes you to the current issue's contents and this month's free article:
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AWCI Horological Times Article - Gruen Dating Charts - May 2012.pdf Size : 400.652 Kb Type : pdf |
AWCI Published Style Number Dating Technique article
This article includes the full Style to Caliber table (Figure 6 above)
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NAWCC Article - How to Date Gruen Wristwatches - March 2013.pdf Size : 998.931 Kb Type : pdf |
NAWCC Published article explaining the Style Number Dating technique
This article contains only part of the Style to Caliber table (figure 6 above)
Free Windows software to help you quickly look up your style number
NEW VERSION 4.0 for 2015
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Find Year From Style Number Show Calibers Ver Size : 420.651 Kb Type : zip |
To make finding the year given a style number quick and easy, this program will help. It is very simple to use and there is no installation.
Simply download the ZIP, extract the single file which is an EXE. Run the EXE anytime you wish to look up a Style Number.
The file is the program, not an installer. Just run it.
Downloading software from anywhere is a little scary, but I can assure you that it's a trivial little virus free program. As with any programs downloaded, run it through your virus checker if you have concerns.
Version 4.0 builds onto version 2.1 described below. What version 4.0 does is extend the Style Number dating back to 1925. All of the data for models back to 1925 are loaded into the software just as in 2.1. The online tool does not yet go that far. It stops at 1929.
Version 2.1 description
This version adds a feature that is critical to successful and safe use of the table. In addition to providing the year the Style Number represents, the software now displays all of the known CALIBERS that have used this Style Number. It is the "Style Number re-use" problem detection. If you have not been looking up this information in the large table at the end of the article, then this software will be of great help as you will now be given the data that you have been missing by not looking it up.
** Why it's important to know what calibers have used a Style Number **
If multiple calibers have used a Style Number, the date that the Style Number represents is the OLDEST possible date for that watch. After the initial caliber's use of the number, future uses of this number will be later in time, perhaps much later, like 10 years later. So, do your homework by looking at this information.
If you see more than 1 caliber using your Style Number, then you need to look forther into the watch to get an affirmation of the date. In other words, don't take the year provided by the Style Number as THE ANSWER because it very well may not be. It is THE OLDEST ANSWER and correct for a subset of the calibers listed.
Also, some watches have the Caliber and Style Numbers swapped in the back of the case. Having all of the information about a Style Number gives you the ability to make sure the Style Number you entered has the correctly matching Caliber that is in your case. If not, swa the two numbers and try again.
Example output of new Version 2.1
If you enter 483 as the Stle Number, the output of the program will look like this:
Year for Style Number 483 and calibers using this Style Number
483 211
This indicates that the watch you have is from 1941, according to the Style Number, and that Style 483 was used by Caliber 211 movements
Should you ener 480 as the Stle Number, the output of the program will look like this:
Year for Style Number 480 and calibers using this Style Number
480 406 425
This indicates that that both the caliber 406 and 425 movements used this Style number and that one of those calibers is maybe NOT from 1941.
Should you enter 885 as the Stle Number, the output of the program will look like this:
Year for Style Number 885 and calibers using this Style Number
885 335 3351
This indicates that that both the caliber 335 and 3351 movements used this Style number. This situation is most likely NOT a style number reuse. The 3351 is a way of indicating tha the movement is a caliber 335 with 21 jewels. Some crystal manufacturers wrote the same 21 jewel movement as a 335 and others a 3351.
Finally, read the bit about "Movement Migration" in the article as it also explains why several movements were sometimes used for the same style number.